Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm going to Toronto!

I got the official letter today! I've been accepted into the University of Toronto's Biomedical Communications Master's program.

I believe in the very first post of my blog, I said something like "Anyway, what's this all about? Well... not a whole lot yet, but I have big plans which are yet to be disclosed." So... yeah, this is what it's all about. I'm going to be a scientific animator in the future, so I've been learning Maya to get towards that goal. I didn't know about this program from the start, but after a false start or two, I stumbled on this program which combines art and science (or computer animation and biology in some cases) and realized that's where I wanted to go. This was what my portfolio and demo reel were for and they liked what I sent them I guess, so I'm very proud to say that I'm going to be starting school again this fall. Can't wait!

Oh, and I suppose biocinematics might make more sense to you now.

Here's a showreel from a studio founded by three graduates of the program: AXS Studio Showreel 2010
I love the stuff in this video; it's my aspiration to be doing something similar in a few years.

I'll be definitely keeping this blog going while in school, so stay tuned for more medically oriented posts, I suppose.


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